Still no tell tale signs of his big entrance to the world but we are still prepping like those crazy doomsday preppers on that weird show (that I don't watch..I swear..ok just like 1 or 4 episodes..)
Pinterest is full of Hospital bag checklists that you can add to every pregnancy book and magazine checklist and then finally to the checklist that the actual hospital gives you so I feel pretty ready. I've probably overdone it, which is no big surprise if you've ever seen me pack for anything at all. We've also gone ahead and installed the car seat, making it feel really really real.
We are bringing two bags, one for us (mainly me) and one for baby. Here's what we've got (sorry about the iPhone pic quality):
The mommy bag:
- Nursing tank top and a couple nursing bras
- A few pairs of big ol granny panties-the ones that go over the belly button incase of a c section
- A couple pairs of baggy pants
- Some maternity shirts
- A nightgown to deliver in
- A robe to walk in in case I'm walking the halls to get the little guy out
- Some comfy socks- I didn't get the non slip ones so hopefully I won't be sliding around the hallways..
- Toiletries- mini shampoo/conditioner, soap, face wash, makeup remover, lotion, pads, etc..
- Snacks ( I added a few more after this pic, we all know what hospital food is like)
- Hard candy to suck on if they cut me off from food
- Speaker for music-we're thinking about creating a playlist
- Not pictured- iphones. makeup, iPad, lap top, pillows. The stuff that we use on a day to day and can't throw in the bag yet. Also some clothes for Mark.
The baby bag:
- I probably over did the clothes but I couldn't decide so I've packed a couple onesies and a long sleeve one too
- A sleep bag
- Socks and an extra hat
- A big warm fluffy outfit for the cold trip home
- Diapers and wipes
- Powder and cream
- Receiving blanket and cloth diapers
- Breast pads/nipple cream
- A big warm blanket and a tiny soft one complete with teddy bear
- Boppy feeding pillow
Now, I'm off to pack and repack a few more times..
H x