Wow. I forgot how hard it is to keep up with a blog, and I'm only on my
I plan on making most of my posts focused on one thing or another but we had a mish-mashed last few days so here it is in a nutshell..
We're just coming off of a bank holiday weekend here in London and the weather was, for the most part, nice enough (better than back home I hear). I planned on working on the blog a bit this weekend but we spent most of the time planning for our impending move across the ocean, had to be done, unfortunately. The other part was filled with much needed family time with the Cleverly/Fortunes. Nothing like spending time with our favorite niece and nephew to get us excited about the future Cleverly baby. Megan is just mastering how to say 'Uncle Mark' and still calls me Aunty Beba, which completely melts my heart and I secretly hope she never figures out how to say my name. Zach seems to be prepping for an American Football team in the next few years (he's a bruiser at only 6 months) but I've honestly never met a more laid back baby.
Smiley Zach
We did get the chance to go through a ton of Mark's old childhood toys and books which I actually loved doing. We found a load of Roald Dahl books and a bunch of others that I can already picture reading to the boy. Mark was more interested in the GI Joe (Action Man in the UK) gear and box of Lego's he found, they never grow up, am I right?
Baby prep has been a bit stalled this week as I've been busy with work BUT I did manage to stop into the mall on the way home and hit up Zara Baby for some goodies, it was payday after all. I've promised my mother to work on our registry but every time I start I get frustrated and end up with not much more than an added box of Pampers and a bad mood. I NEVER thought it would be so hard to pick out baby gear...
Mommy needed a treat too, obviously..
Studded checked shirt from Zara
I've got my eyes on pretty much every piece of clothing and shoes in Zara at the moment but sadly/luckily most of it is not maternity friendly.
As I write this Bean is bouncing around in my stomach, which I still haven't quite gotten used to, while Mark values all of our belongings for the movers. We're another day closer to the biggest adventure of our lives so far...
H x