Monday, 17 December 2012

Packed and Ready!

39 weeks and ONE DAY!

Still no tell tale signs of his big entrance to the world but we are still prepping like those crazy doomsday preppers on that weird show (that I don't watch..I swear..ok just like 1 or 4 episodes..)

Pinterest is full of Hospital bag checklists that you can add to every pregnancy book and magazine checklist and then finally to the checklist that the actual hospital gives you so I feel pretty ready. I've probably overdone it, which is no big surprise if you've ever seen me pack for anything at all. We've also gone ahead and installed the car seat, making it feel really really real.

We are bringing two bags, one for us (mainly me) and one for baby. Here's what we've got (sorry about the iPhone pic quality):

The mommy bag:
  1. Nursing tank top and a couple nursing bras
  2. A few pairs of big ol granny panties-the ones that go over the belly button incase of a c section
  3. A couple pairs of baggy pants
  4. Some maternity shirts
  5. A nightgown to deliver in
  6. A robe to walk in in case I'm walking the halls to get the little guy out
  7. Some comfy socks- I didn't get the non slip ones so hopefully I won't be sliding around the hallways..
  8. Toiletries- mini shampoo/conditioner, soap, face wash, makeup remover, lotion, pads, etc..
  9. Snacks ( I added a few more after this pic, we all know what hospital food is like) 
  10. Hard candy to suck on if they cut me off from food
  11. Speaker for music-we're thinking about creating a playlist
  12. Not pictured- iphones. makeup, iPad, lap top, pillows. The stuff that we use on a day to day and can't throw in the bag yet. Also some clothes for Mark.

The baby bag:

  1. I probably over did the clothes but I couldn't decide so I've packed a couple onesies and a long sleeve one too 
  2. A sleep bag
  3. Socks and an extra hat
  4. A big warm fluffy outfit for the cold trip home
  5. Diapers and wipes
  6. Powder and cream
  7. Receiving blanket and cloth diapers
  8. Breast pads/nipple cream
  9. A big warm blanket and a tiny soft one complete with teddy bear
  10. Boppy feeding pillow

Now, I'm off to pack and repack a few more times..

H x

Monday, 10 December 2012

8 Month Update

So, here we are, in the final weeks (it seems like years...)

As I write this I am officially 38 weeks and 1 day and I am jumping with barely disguised hope every time I get a strange cramp or belly ache. I've yet to experience any of the tell tale signs of labor but I hope you will all say a little prayer for me that it will happen soon (go ahead, i'll wait..)

If all else fails I'm not above trying the eggplant parmesan at Scalini's down the road from my house to kick start the process. It's apparently worked for over 300 desperate ladies and everyone we meet mentions it to me, so maybe it's more than a rumour..and I do enjoy a nice eggplant parmesan.

So here's my latest (and hopefully last) pregnancy update:

Weight Gain: to be honest, I've asked the nurse not to tell me anymore because it bums me out so much. I did accidentally hear her at my last appointment and I'm right around the 40 lb mark which is more than I wanted to gain. This has probably been one of the hardest parts of the pregnancy for me as I had just about reached a goal weight that I had worked long and hard for right before I found out I was pregnant. I am already organizing a healthy weight loss and exercise plan to begin as soon as I get the ok from my doc so I won't get too down and out just yet.

To be perfectly honest, in my last 2 weeks of pregnancy,  I've reached the point that I couldn't care less, pass me another cookie, won't you?

The Bean: Man this kid has some moves. All the baby books tell you to not be too worried if you don't feel the baby move as much in the last weeks as he won't have as much room. Our little river dancer laughs in the face of those baby book authors and shuffles around like he's got his own little version of So You Think You Can Dance in there.

According to the books, he's about 19 inches and 6 lbs, give or take.

Sleep: Despite my best relaxation efforts sleep is not happening as much as I would like at the moment. I do take Unisom to help out, but all the aches and pains combined with the anxiety is just not a good cocktail for the z's.

Eating: Unfortunately, this hasn't changed. I still want to eat just about everything that you put in front of me, or that I see on tv, or that I can conjure up in my imagination. Luckily, our local grocery store is only minutes away..

The good, the bad, the ugly: I'm not going to lie, pregnancy is not a beautiful journey of glowing skin and luxurious long locks, at least not for me. It started that way, tricking me into the idea that I would have a full 9 months of compliments on how much I was positively glowing, dahling.

But, here I am, sitting on a couch, trying to see the computer around my gigantic belly with my gigantic swollen feet propped up, trying to type with my gigantic swollen sausage fingers.

I was a bit unlucky when I started getting pelvic and hip pains in my 5th month but now they can be pretty unbearable, making exercise impossible. Still, I didn't get any morning sickness so I shall refrain from complaining too much.

I have had some pretty ferocious heartburn, which, if the old wives tales are correct, means he will probably come out with some sort of afro.

Weirdly, and I debated writing this on here, my armpits have gotten really dark. Gross, right? When we were traveling in India and Nepal I kept seeing whitening deodorant, now I wish I had picked some up. And finally, just when I thought I had avoided them, the first of my lovely stretch marks have shown up. I know they are genetic but I also noticed they only appeared when I slowed down on drinking water so guzzle that H2O ladies!! Luckily, there are only a few so, again, I will not complain too much.

I'm going to get an adorable baby boy for all my troubles so it's all worth it, right?

We spent last weekend cleaning the house (nesting) and his nursery is just about ready, we're just waiting on the hand made crib from grandpa (pics to come).

The hospital bags are packed and the car seat has been installed.

Now we wait....

H x

Monday, 3 December 2012

Settled and Showered

WE ARE FINALLY IN OUR HOUSE! Cue the chorus of angels...

I've not updated in a while because, to be honest, it would have been something like:

Day 1: sat at my parents house waiting for word from the moving company
Day 2: Sat at my parents house waiting for word from the moving company, played with the dogs...
Day 3: Went to Target, still no word from the moving company..

Not exactly interesting reading..

We did, however, have a pretty fantastic baby shower thrown for us by my lovely mom and sister. I'm still blown away by the love and support we received for Baby Bean, and he's not even here yet. Baby C got a ton of good gear and I'm feeling just a little bit more prepared now.

Here's some pics of our AMAZING shower. Thanks again Mom and Amber!!!!

Thanks to everyone who came and made Mark and me (and Bean) feel so loved.

H x